Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A new beginning

Hello there, John Marshall Family.

This blog has laid dorment for too long, So I'm taking it over. How about using it just for our family? Send me your news or photos and I'll post them here, any time, any topic. But, mainly, just let the fam know whats going on. How about it?

John Marshall Noose.

I'm working in Rockville Maryland now. Helping Montgomery County get a grip on their pensions. What fun. Actually I'm enjoying working again. This Memorial Day weekend, Suzanne is flying here (Rockville) to spend a long weekend. We are going to hit as many tourist sites as we can.

I'll have a great report after the weekend.


Wednesday, April 18, 2007

April 2007 News Letter

Marshall Newsletter
April 2007

Apr/May Birthdays

02 Apr Tyler Marshall
05 Apr Richard Leavitt
07 Apr Lauryn Marsha
09 Apr Rod Campbell
14 Apr Laurel Holden
15 Apr Judy Leavitt
21 Apr Javier Garza
24 Apr Lexie Holden
25 Apr McKay Marshall
27 Apr Aubrey Jorgensen

09 May Richard Kearney
11 May Doug Jorgensen
16 May Brooklynne Marshall

Apr Anniversaries

20 Apr Scott and Alice Orton
27 Apr Art and Judy Leavitt

Grandma’s news

March was a great month for me. Sometime on the first day of the month Ray called from somewhere in California and told me to pack my suitcase (one only) and they would pick me up on Friday and take me home with them. I just said okay and so they did. We drove down to Corona and checked into a motel and then we drove over to Scott and Alice's. Had a nice visit with her and Brett and Haylie (Scott was working). We went back and had a good night's sleep. The next morning we went to Riverside and saw James' new (to him) house. He is in the process of fixing it up and it will be a nice place when he gets it finished. (Not that it isn't nice enough now) He has great plans for it though. We enjoyed our visit there and then we started our trek to Utah. We snacked (continually) all the way there. Stopped in Las Vegas to tour the outlet mall and make a few purchases. A really great place and I would love to go again when I have more money.

It was a good trip but it was good when we got to Orem. They gave me a bedroom all by myself and the bathroom right across the hall. I slept as well as I do at home so all was fine. The next day was a busy place around their house (what else is new?) and, of course on Sunday we went to church. No classes because it was their stake conference. That was quite enjoyable. The next week went by very fast. Ray and I attended a session at the Mt. Timpanogas temple and one day Ray, Kay and I drove up to Soda Springs and had lunch with Becky in her fabulous new home. It is really a lovely house and they will enjoy it I am sure. (When they get all the ruffles off the curtains. Ask Kay) We enjoyed our day trip and were glad to get home. I enjoyed getting better acquainted with Ed and Cynthia and their two children, Tyler and Katelyn. Tyler was a friend immediately but Katelyn took a little longer to know me.

There was snow on the ground when we got to Orem but it was soon gone and the weather was wonderful all the time I was there. Kelly Jorgensen and children came over to visit one
day while I was there and it was good to visit with them as I hadn't seen them for quite some time. Those children have really changed since I saw them last.

On the 17th Kristi Kearney came to visit with her children. Brynna and Richard didn't come as they had been camping and just got home. Becky and Rod and Ethan and Sean had been there since Thursday night as Becky had a doctor's appointment. Kyle was glad the boys were there so he could do things with them. It was good to see them all.

Ray, Kay and I visited the BYU Art gallery along with the Wollaston's one day and then we went to lunch afterwards. A very enjoyable morning.

Kay's Relief Society ended up their enrichment meeting at Kay's house where Kay told them of the relief society in Australia. She showed them pictures and aborigine artifacts from Australia and Ray fed them yummy pavlova for dessert. The day after the R.S. bash was Katelyne's one year birthday so, of course, we had a party. So Cynthia's folks were over again and it was fun. I think Tyler was more excited than Katelyn.

The day that Kristi came over we celebrated Ed's birthday. Cynthia's parents and sisters (husbands too) came to help celebrate. Ray and Kay had a marvelous barbecue and everyone was stuffed. They really feed good at the Ray Marshalls. I have been afraid to weigh myself since I came home.

I got to attend a gospel doctrine lesson that Ray taught. He always does such a good job.

The last week I was there was a busy one for everyone. They were getting ready for the stake blood drive that Ray and Kay were in charge of. It was held on Friday. They had a pretty good turnout considering it was a school holiday and a Friday. Then the next day we headed for Fresno. Had a good trip home and everything was fine when we got here. On Sunday Ray and Kay went to church with us and then Ray, Suzanne and John cooked dinner for us and Judy and Art came down so we had a good gabfest. Ray and Kay left on Monday and were going to take a couple of days to get home.

I had a wonderful time and got lazier than I already was. I got busy and finished the extraction I was working on so now I have nothing to do in the evenings as my supervisor is out of town. Guess I will be forced to finish that jigsaw puzzle soon.

I enjoyed General Conference last week and the tabernacle looks great. Probably will last another 150 some years. Now it is April and hope to see John, Suzanne, Art and Judy home from their cruise soon. I do hope they have had a great time and are ready to get back in the harness.

Love to all and hope all is well with you. Love and prayers, grandma D

Kay and Ray news from Orem
Well, I guess we'd oughta kinda get a newsletter off to John, seeings as how we hear that he and the gang are back from their cruise, so he'll be champing at the bit to get the news all collected and edited and sent off. The surprising news is that we ended the month at home for a change. Did make a couple of trips out to California, and kidnapped Mom and brought her home with us. She'll have to report on how she was treated, but it took three weeks to find an opening to take her back home. By that time, although she seemed happy enough, it was obvious she was ready to get back to her routine in her own home. We enjoyed having her; she's a great house guest, and really got acquainted with the Ed Marshall and Becky Campbell great grandkids. No excitement here. The weather is mostly warming up, though it has turned cold the last couple of days. Kay, Ed, and I have been working in the yard, enjoying the nice weather. Still working on the yard simplification project -- eliminating anything that needs spraying, weeding, pruning, harvesting, or cleaning up after. Short of paving it all, we're converting to mostly lawn and trees and shrubs that don't need pruning. Kay has a new calling as Ward Family History indexing coordinator. Used to be extraction, but now called indexing. I still teach an occasional gospel doctrine class, when they can catch me. Also taught an Institute class on Church History (the McKay - Smith - Lee - Kimball years). Surprising that none of the kids in the class were alive during most of that time. How can it be history if I was alive when it happened? Enjoyed conference. As usual, I came aware with my share of guilt. One of these days I'm going to feel like it was all meant for someone else; not quite there yet. Take care everyone! Have a great Spring, which is due to arrive here any day now.

Love you all; Ray and Kay, from Orem, Utah.

Darrell’s News
The main news for the end of March ( 23rd through the 31st) was the World Conference for the Community of Christ in Independence. I( was one of the 2800 delegates from 55 plus nations around the world. Along with the normal good food fellowship and worship was inspired documents given to the church through ourt Prophet and President Steven Veazey.
If anyone is interested you can obtain information on the conference on our church web page - of christ.

Larrene attended some of the sessions but was busy with other things in Independence such as visiting a long time friend in the hospital in Overland Park, Kansas. We staed with a 94 year old long time friend of ours and Larrene's family so she was able to spend time visiting with her.

We are still thinking about down sizing our yard so I don't have so much yard to take care of. We will also need to decide whether or not we will move to Independence area. My brothers Ron and Gene already live up there. Wayne still lives in Hunington Beach, California. The conference was wonderful and very spirit led. We wish you the very best for your Conference. In Gospel Bonds, Darrell & Larrene Hagaman

Ken & Allyson's News:
This month we finally got our car back. There is still a little more work to be done, but it looks beautiful and runs as good as new. Once the parts come in, they will finish the work. It's pretty amazing how they can take a car that looks like an accordion, to looking brand new. We're happy to have it back.

We spent the month of March doing wedding stuff. I ordered and received my dress (it fits!!!), we ordered invites, squared away the caterer and started to shop for Ken's wedding attire. My folks had us and Ken's parents over for dinner to kick off the wedding plans.

Yesterday, Ken and I bought a wagon full of new plants for our back patio. We had some beautiful pots that have been empty since our plants were killed while we were in Europe last year (I won't name any names). It's nice to have them full again. The weather is so nice right now, that we're taking full advantage of the outdoors.

Happy Spring!
Allyson & Ken

Well, Autumn has pushed it's way into the calendar, with mornings growing colder and colder although we've still got bits and pieces of sunny days. Rennie has made it through her first term (quarter) of Seminary; Taylor has made it through her first term of High School; and Lauryn is quickly taking over the school now that she's the only Marshall on campus. As a matter of fact, she won a HUGE Easter basket full of chocolate in the School Easter raffle last Friday. She often wins contests and drawings - Marsh is out with her now, buying a lottery ticket.
Saturday, April 7th is not only the day before Easter and our General Conference broadcasts here in Oz, but it's also Lauryn's 8th birthday, and she's getting baptized! She's had her interview with the Bishop who's said she's ready to go, and her G'ma Joan has made her beautiful baptismal dress, so she's all excited. The last of our girls to get baptized! Wow...
Marsh is finishing up his latest project in Perth and will spend the last two weeks of April there, but hopefully, that will be the end of all that traveling for a while.
Taylor has been digging through G'pa Ray's latest cookbook ("The Big Book of Everything II" as we call it...), and trying out various recipes which is great for us. And, Rennie took first in school and zone Diving competition, so she goes on to Regionals in another week or so.
Fun and frivolity for the whole family.Hope everyone's doing well.
--Marsh, Chrissie, Rennie, Taylor and Lauryn

Roskelley News
Our big news is that we have moved into a house. We are out of our miniscule two bedroom apartment and are grateful for some wiggle room.... and running and jumping and screaming and rolling and dancing and spinning.... you get the idea... room! we all love it. love the fenced backyard, the extra bedroom, the garage and all the space for all our things we have been storing for the last 6 years! got to take out wedding presents that had never been used. it was like getting them for the first time all over again! fun, fun, fun!!
Our other fun(?) news is we are potty training... again. oh joy!! Jake's doing great. we are still working on it, but let me tell you Spiderman undies seem to be helping out big time!!
we are adjusting to our new ward, but it seems to have lots of families with young kids for our kids to get to know. Jake is doing great in Sunbeams this year which is wonderful, as we could never get him to go to Nursery without hysterics. Eden is not so sure about Nursery herself, but seems to be adjusting - what a relief. Wasn’t sure how I was going to attend Sunbeams, Nursery and carry around Noah all at the same time, so it all seems to be working out.
Our new address is:
8301 Falcon View Dr.Antelope, CA 95843
come visit any time!! we have spare couches for any and all to sleep on! we only moved six miles, so if you have ever visited before, we are still in the same area.
love you all!
Sarah, JJ, Jake, Eden and Noah Roskelley

Marshall Noose,

We just got back from a wonderful cruise to the Western Caribbean. One of the highlights was a boat ride up the rivers of Belize to the Lamani ruins. It was like the Disneyland Jungle Cruise on steroids. We traveled up the river for 45 minutes at about 35 MPH. We only stopped when we encountered local fishermen because our wake would have swamped their dugouts. We saw quite a few of them. They looked just like the National Geographic pictures that you see of local natives. We also passed a Mennonite settlement which looked just like an 1800’s settlement only with a few pickup trucks. We climbed to the top of one of the pyramids about 150 feet tall and from there we gazed out over the tops of the trees and could experience just how magnificent that civilization must have been. We had a great time eating and enjoying the great weather, beautiful scenery and wonderful people of the area. We had some great tour guides, and believed that most of what they told us was true, although at times, I think they made things up just to make a better story.

We are now home and back to reality, I am still at Modesto and Suzanne is back in therapy. Our next big event is in Hawaii in June for Allyson and Ken's wedding. We are looking forward to that. It will be fun and exciting and beautiful... And I'm sure the wedding will be nice too.

John and Suzanne

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